Dappersveld Woestijn Bruut Brut 2020

Type: Sparkling
Country: Belgium
Region: Pajottenland
Grape Variety: 60% Pinot Noir, 20% Chardonnay, 20% Auxerrois
Alcohol Percentage: 12%
Viticulture: Natural Wine

Ageing: 15 months in the barrel

Color: Straw-coloured with fine effervescence
Nose: Mild, mineral nose with a smoky whiff of tangerines, grapes, apples and freshly baked bread
Palate: Beautiful acidity on the palate with notes of green apples and lemons. Good minerality with lively effervescence leading to a finish of grapes and apples

About the Winery: The Belgian winegrowing domain Dappersveld-Woestijn is located west-southwest of Brussels in the region of Pajottenland and has been a merger of the two vineyards Dappersveld and Woestijn since 2016. The two winegrowers Eric Geyssens and Sam Dehandschutter have pooled their shared passion for wine, and now work together on two different terroirs in the Belgian municipalities of Pepingen and Gooik. With much enthusiasm, the two winegrowers strive for a high level of sustainability in the respective vineyards as well as in the preparation and processing of the wines.