CVNE Monopole Classico 2019

Type: White
Country: Spain
Region: Rioja
Grape Variety: 100% Viura

Climate: Continental climate with Mediterranean influence and extreme temperatures
Terroir: The grapes used to produce Monopole Clasico are harvested from the Villalba de Rioja vineyard, over 5 hectares planted in calcareous soils 15 years ago with an east-facing aspect. The vines are trellis-trained to offer protection from the prevailing winds. At an altitude of over 600 metres
Winemaking: The grapes are hand-harvested in 20 kg boxes. The grapes are gently pressed, and the must is transferred (just like in the 1960s) into concrete tanks for static clarification. Alcoholic fermentation takes place in stainless steel tanks, and the wine is subsequently aged together with the fine lees in barrels and casks that have been used previously for different wines with capacities of 300, 400 and 500 litres. The wine is left to settle in the barrels and casks of varying capacities for around 8 months, during which periodic tastings are carried out

Color: Bright golden yellow
Nose: Very expressive and intense in nose emphasizing its complexity since we can find chamomile flowers, dry fruits, bakery or mineral aromas
Palate: Unctuous and velvety with a long, fresh and salty aftertaste

About the Winery:
CVNE (Compañía Vinícola del Norte de España) is one of the most renowned and historic bodegas in all of Spain. Founded in 1879 by the Real de Asúa brothers, Eusebio and Raimundo, the company has been an integral part of the Rioja region’s ascendance in the world of fine wine. With their combination of traditional roots and innovative vision, CVNE has been one of Rioja’s most reliable sources of high-quality wine. The company is still run by descendants of the Real de Asúa brothers, now represented by the fifth generation with current CEO Victor Urrutia Ybarra.

Since its founding, CVNE’s goal has been to increase the scope of production while maintaining the level of quality on which its reputation was built. Forty years after the original bodega was created, CVNE expanded into the Alavesa region. Today, CVNE is comprised of three separate bodegas: Cune, Viña Real, and Contino. Each of the three estates produces a distinct style of wine from a distinct terroir, and each of their flagship bottlings occupies a well-deserved place in the pantheon of great Spanish wine